Lilypie Lilypie Lilypie

Monday, February 25, 2008

4th. month check-up

Last Thursday we went to Ampang Putri for Adam's check-up. My son is a very tough boy, you know. He did not cry at all when the doctor gave him the jab. He's not even made any uncomfortable face. Macam takde perasaan gitu. Rilek je. Actually mase his first month check-up pun tak nangis jugak. The doctor said that he's all fine. Everything looks perfect. Alhamdulillah. However his weight gain is very little, about 350g, half of last month's. His weight now is 6.35kg. I was quite worried because he did not gain much weight for the past month but the doctor said that the weight gain is ok. He's much active now, which is very very true. Punyala hyper!He sleeps a lot less in daytime. Nak main je. Main sorang2 taknak, main toy pun taknak, he just wants us to layan and play with him all the time, especially his Mommyla. Talk talk talk talk. Talk most of the time. Sampai Mommy dia pun dah tak larat nak layan bercakap. Bayangkanla bertapa byknya si kenit tu membebel sampai Mommy yg kuat bebel peramah tu pun dah tak larat..hehe..Takpela, at least meriah sikit rumah tu. Now, Adam suka sangat berdiri. So last weekend Mommy bought him a walker with the expectation that he would learn to play or entertain himself. The walker seems so interesting with all the toys attached and also some kiddies songs. I think we kind of overestimated him. Dia main sekejap je pastu dia dah boring and asked us to take him out from the walker and layan him berborak and main. Sabar je la and after that we came to a conclusion that we would only buy him toys when he's big enough to know to play alone. Sebenarnya kitorang pun suke jugak yg dia lebih berminat to bermain with us rather than with toys. We certainly have fun spending our time together. It's just sometimes we don't get why he suddenly laugh out loud to what we say. Bukannya cakap mende yg lawak pun. For example, this one particular time, I put him on my tummy and I realised that he was mcm tengah meneran, a sign that he wants to poop and so I asked him, "Adam, Adam nak ber*k ek?". Tibe2 dia gelak terkekek2. I was like, "Eh eh budak ni, what's so funny about that?". Then I asked again, "Adam nak ber*k ek?" and surprisingly he laughed again..hahaha..Pelik la Adam ni, seriously Daddy doesn't understand you la my little weirdo. Tak kisahla Dam, as long as it makes you happy..heheh..

Another strange thing about this little boy is, he really2 likes Twinkle2 Little Star song. It's actually his obsession provided, Mommy dia yg nyanyikan la. If I sing it for him, sometimes it works sometimes he just doesn't bother at all. Kalau dia tengah nangis pun dia boleh stop and start babbling which we think that he actually sings together. Sebab biasanya kalau dia bebel2 memang lain bunyinya. When he listens Mommy sings Twinkle2, bunyi dia lain. Kalau dalam kereta mmg bisingla dua beranak tu menyanyi kat belakang. That's the reason why now I rarely turn on my radio..heheh..My wife siap record lagi her voice singing that song because memang tak larat nak menyanyi for that boy. He wants his Mommy to sing him non-stop. Tapi sekarang he knows to differentiate Mommy's live voice and recorded voice. So the trick using phone does not work anymore. Sian Mommy, ari tu sampai lenguh2 her jaw singing for him. Bila nyanyi lagu lain takmau, we do not know how but he just knows the melody sounds different..heheh..Smart boy!

Oh another special thing about Adam is, he can raise one of his eyebrow at a time. Ala, yg macam The Rock selalu buat tu. Actually Mommy already told me about this dah lame dah, it's just that recently I saw he does it for the first time. Wow!So cool la anak Daddy ni. Daddy can not do it and Mommy either. When he did it, nampak ganas je muke..hehe..I wish I could take a picture of him doing that.

Adam in his walker
Nampak happy je masa awal2..


Anonymous said...

adam kiutnya!!! byk cakap ek.. skg xreti cakap lagi..tunggu nt dah pandai sebut2.. hihihi.

hafiy diam je skg. cuma dia suka saund mami time nak tido je. rumah pn xbising mana. huhu.

AzFiqs said...

mmg byk sgt..tula, nanti dah reti ckp btul2, taktau la..jenuhla nak melayannya..tape, Mommy dia rajin bersembang..hehe..tapi Adam ni dgn kitorang je bising, bila kat luar ada org lain dia senyap je, setakat senyum2 and tegur gitu2 je..heh..

Hafiy pemalu tu...

Play Baccarat said...

What good luck!