Lilypie Lilypie Lilypie

Friday, February 13, 2009

My Little Copycat

Location: Leoneck Hotel, Zurich
Date: 12 February 2009

We are currently in Zurich because I am having a week course. So while I'm attending the course, my wife and Adam stay in our room or go out around the city. Most of the time in our room, Adam just plays like no tomorrow. He keeps Mommy on her toes all the time. My wife always says that Adam is my copycat. I'm akinda agree with her because that little cheeky boy copies everything that I do and what I say. So I really, really have to be careful with my actions and words. It's also maybe because we are playing buddies!We always gang up to tease Mommy =).

Just look at this picture, where he's carrying my work bag. He tries to be like me. My wife said, he carried that bag on his back and dragged it all over the room the whole afternoon until I get back. Everyday when I get back home from work, I normally like chit chatting with him. I like to listen to his gibberish talks. Cute! Seriously he really talks a lot. If you just look at his facial reaction, it as if he's really having a conversation with me.

So that day, when I got back, I asked what did he do with Mommy today. Mommy said about him carrying the bag and I asked him about it. To my surprise, he seemed to understand what I was asking, he straight away looked for that bag and showed it to me how he carried it. It's just so funny and adorable. Just look at his cheeky smile while carrying the bag..hehe..


Anonymous said...

harap2 skill main bola pun lebih kurang gak nanti.. cuma aku rasa adam lagi hensem dari bapak dia laa bro.

AzFiqs said...

juri: semestinya skill bola mesti diasah dari kenit...dari segi kehenseman tu mmg tak dpt dinafikan la, tapi aku ada contribute jugakla sket ape..hahahaha..